Saturday, May 28, 2011


♪ マイ ファイズ ♪


贅沢という後ろめたさがないように古いドライバーを買い取ってもらって粘って交渉し、ず~っとほしい ドライバー(Aの12°)とフェアウェイウッドの5番 を手に入れた ♪

ボールが飛ばなくとにかくダメだった。WHY??? どうして?
ムキになって夫のアドバイスも無視、せっかくの新しいドライバーなのに、夫婦ケンカの元になっちゃった。はぁ~~~ (@_@;)




Sunday, May 15, 2011

Perfect rainbow @ Appi Kogen

It's time to paint the balcony of the log house!

An off-routine activity to fill the Golden Week break besides golf :)

According to the house-keeper expert, re-painting the wood once a year will help retain the color of the wood and protect it from rotting-away.
So, Isamu and I decided to give it a try, a new experience for us! :)

We departed for Appi on April 29.
We were so excited to get on the Tohoku Shinkansen, which finally resumed its full dial more than a month after the Great East Earthquake (Mar11).

To our surprise, the Shinkansen was fully-booked. Most passengers got off at Sendai of Miyagi prefecture, one of the hardest-Tsunami-hit areas.

Appi Kogen, though located in Iwate prefecture, is high on the mountain, so unlike the devastating coastal area, it was fortunately unaffected by the Tsunami.
The log house was intact, nothing was out of place.

The balcony-painting was quite fun! (●^o^●)We re-painted it 3 times in 3 days in a row to give it a better coating, so that the woods will be well preserved until next year.

During one of our painting session, we were lucky to catch a glimpse of a lovely rainbow. I've never seen such a perfect beautiful arch. Couldn't help to take a movie shot of it ♪
A week passed by in a flash! We missed the barbeque in Appi so much that we decided to do barbeque in our tiny balcony in Tokyo :)
At least no claim nor complaint from the neighbors so far .. so I guess the yummy smell did not offend anyone at all :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Opening round of 2011

Almost 6 months have passed since our last golf round in Dec.2010.

During the winter months, Isamu and I have been indulging ourselves in backcountry snowboarding.

Now, that spring has come it's golfing time ♪

So, we were very excited for the Golden Week break (Apr.29-May 8). Yes! First round of the year!

I love Appi Kogen Golf Club, particularly at this time of the year when it is cool during day-time, and a little cold at night.

AKGC sits across Mount Iwate and Mount Maemori (where Appi Ski Resort is located), so we can get a luxurious mountaineous view while golfing.

Since it has just opened for the season, we found that some of the bunkers are still covered by snow!!!
AKGC opens from end of April to early December, and is closed during winter months,
giving its ski resort the turn to open.

During a week stay in Appi -besides golfing- we managed to do some balcony-painting to keep the color of the wood fresh and to protect it from rotting away.
It was actually quite fun doing stuff that is away from daily routine.

And of course, yummy barbeque to end the day. yup! lots of meat and veggies to go along with
good wine! this is what i call enjoying life .
*Personal note*
My first round (Apr.30) scored 124 (Ryugamori64/Towada60),
while second round (May 6) scored worse (damn!) 134 (Towada60/Ryugamori74)
My putting reallly sucks .. need to work on it, really .. during one of the long hole (par 5) i ended with a horrible 10 counts and 5 out of it was putting ... :( what a shame!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

・・・子鉄の思い出・・・ (=^・^=)

こ て つ。











Saturday, April 23, 2011






できない割には楽しく ゴルフまたやりたくなった!(●^o^●)


特に、ドライバーはヘッドが大きく、音がよく、sooooo cool!

スノボとかテニスとかと違って、ゴルフってクラブが何本もあるからお金かかる :(




Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A reunion in 23 years

I couldn't wait for her to come visit Tokyo.
Christin, a classmate of mine during Junior High, whom I have not seen in 23 years!

After the quake, not many people chose Japan as a sightseeing destination.
Many people even cancelled the plan to visit Japan.
I understand why people have this concern. What with the endless aftershocks, nuke crisis, radiation leak, etc .. Japan does not seem to be the best place to visit at this very moment.

The situation in hardest-hit Tohoku area is still half-paralyzed. The ongoing nuke crisis is also a concern, but things move on.
As far as the impact in Tokyo, apart from power concern in Summer, people go on with their life, as normal as it can be as in other places of the world.

Yeah, but how about radiation leak? So, the question popped. Japan -before the crisis- has always enjoyed a low radiation level compared to other places.
I won't mention the name of the city, but they say the radiation level measured in a certain polluted city is way higher, and people there are exposed everyday.
A CT-scan will expose one to a high level of radiation too.

Japan -after and now during the crisis- is being very strict on the measurement.
Veggies, seafood, meats, are constantly measured in order to check if they are contaminated.

Anyway, so far life in Tokyo is getting back very much to normal.
So, I was really really happy that she decided to spend a day in Tokyo. Yes!!

Originally I was thinking of a Tokyo day-trip below.
●lunch at Lalaport Toyosu→take a cruise to downtown Asakusa→take subway to Akihabara to visit one of those maid cafes→dinner at izakaya

A day is definitely not enough ... I was surprised of how fast time went by!

Well, we made it for lunch and dinner, gave up the rest, but managed to visit Tokyo Tower.
It was a good decision after all to visit the tower, 'cause in 2012 Tokyo will have a new tower (Tokyo Sky Tree) which is twice the height of current one. They will probably close down the old one.
I managed to take a snapshot of the tip of the tower, which was slightly bent during the earthquake last month.

Back to the reunion in 23 years .. soooo much to talk, to catch up on things! We had a long long chat over lunch and dinner.
In no time, a day was over ...

I bet Christin and Nick are the handful of tourists who visit Tokyo at this time. It's good to have you guys here!
And, thank you for the sweet easter bunny :) can't eat them ... too cute ...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hanami お花見❀ with a twinge of sadness ...

Every year this time around is supposed to be a "welcoming" happy season in Japan.

Sakura❀ in full bloom...
new school term...
new graduates with new jobs ...
Normally people are looking forward to start a new beginning in Spring.

However, this year it feels different ...

The tragedy caused by the quake&tsunami
(Mar.11, 2011)
blankets Japan

with grief. But, people still do hanami though ... in a more quiet way.
※hanami→picnic under the cherry blossom

The park near my place -which is famous for hanami- was crowded with people eager to do hanami. So relief to see the park filled with people, compared to the quiet scene I saw last month when sneaking into the temporarily-prohibited park due to the cracked-alley from the quake.

There was a signboard stating that due to the quake, the Sakura Matsuri (festival) was suspended.
Throughout Japan, people are encouraged to do "ji-shuku" (self-restraint) ...
Many Sakura Matsuri were cancelled, so this year there isn't any single food stalls or night stands in the hanami area.

Sakura in full bloom is really lovely.
Too bad, it only lasts for about 10 days .. such short-lived, but because of that, much loved.

Supermarket also decorates some corners with posters on populer hanami places, complete with the snacks and sweets to bring to hanami.

I couldn't resist myself to one of those o-dango (sweet rice-cake shaped like a ball, put in a stick just like satay).

I bought the Sakura-dango, whose color is pinkish just like Sakura.
Hmm... feel a bit guilty to indulge in sweets, but no way i can get this limited-edition o-dango once the hanami season is over!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Quake after quake ...

Again!!! Another shake ...
the biggest aftershock after the BIG one that struck last month ... so scarry! :(

It was around 11:30pm last Thursday (Apr.7) when I felt the shake. Strong one ...
Isamu and I switched the channel right away from CNN (need to brush up our broken English) to Japanese channel to get the latest news on the aftershock.

The epicenter was roughly at the same place as the BIG one in Miyagi prefecture. ... magnitude 7.1 ...
Even in Tokyo, it was shaking quite hard ... scary really.

It was a little traumatic to hear that high-pitched sound from the live broadcasts warning ppl when earthquake strikes:
The urgency in the sound was infectious ... I could feel my heartbeat raced faster and both my legs kind of went jelly.
I found a you-tube video recording the warning for aftershock on April 7, guess the owner was ready to run w/ his/her cat if the situation got worse.

The Tsunami warnings was issued for those who live near the coastal area.
But fortunately, the warning was lifted and no further damage from Tsunami.

The following day, when damage/death can finally be confirmed, it was in the news that 3 ppl died from the aftershock and some damages were also spotted in hardest-hit area.
One man died from shock.
One woman died when her medical ventilator lost power due to the blackout that followed. Another woman also died falling from the veranda when the blackout hit.

It's been sad, sad, sad news most of the time for the past month ...
My heart goes for the victims and the ppl in affected area.
I love Japan. I really hope for its recovery.
It will take time, probably a long one. But, I believe in it.

Friday, April 8, 2011




インドネシア語でブログを書くのがいいトレーニングかも :)






Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sebulan setelah gempa & tsunami berlalu ...

Sebulan hampir berlalu setelah gempa & tsunami melanda Jepang.
Krisis nuklir masih belum berakhir, entah kapan baru bisa diatasi (sigh...)

Dibanding 2-3 minggu yang lalu, suasana di Tokyo sudah tenang.
Supermarket juga udah ndak kosong2 lagi kayak waktu orang2 panik menyerbu sehabis gempa.

Cuma, stock mineral water aza yang masih kosong, sebab orang2 yang punya bayi/anak kecil kan worried minum tap water. Kalaupun stock ada, biasanya dibatasi satu orang cuma boleh beli satu, gitu ...

Waktu berita air minum tercemar

radiasi, my mom-in-law langsung ngirim 2 dus mineral water. Untung dalam sehari, diberitakan bahwa radiasi di air minum sudah tidak terlacak lagi.
Aku sih cuek aza tetap minum tap water. Mineral water disimpan aza dulu, who knows ...

Tokyo sih sudah balik ke suasana (hampir) normal.
Tapi, demi ngirit listrik, jumlah train dikurangi,
dan juga listrik di toko2, e.g. Supermarket, dept. stores, etc. dinyalain minimal, jadi agak gelap-lah. Eskalator di stasiun juga cuma dijalani waktu rush hour.

Taman di dekat rumah juga sudah dibetulin jalanannya. Kan sudah mau musim hanami, Sakura mulai bersemi, jadi taman yang populer buat hanami itu juga sudah beres .. walaupun bekas jalan retak masih keliahatan ...

Aku salut memang dengan cepatnya response petugas2 daerah setempat.
Padahal cuma taman, bukan jalan besar, tapi cepat betulinnya. Ndak dibiarkan berbulan2 atao bertaon2.
Aku baca opini2 orang2 asing juga pada terkesan dengan response-nya petugas2 disini.
Ada yang tulis kalau di negaranya, mungking perlu setengah taon lebih untuk betulin lubang2 separah itu.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Taman dekat rumah jalanan-nya retak ...

Kemarin lusa ketika aku lewatin taman dekat rumah, aku lihat pagar darurat dipasang untuk menghalangi orang masuk.

Nah, bingung juga kenapa, soalnya taman itu biasanya banyak orang berlalu-lalang, buat walking, cycling, walking the dog, piknik, dll.

Apalagi kalau musim semi, Sakura❀mekar, taman ini ramai dengan orang-orang yang datang berkunjung untuk 花見(hanami)→ berpiknik dibawah pohon Sakura❀.

Taman ini (Tatsumi Morino-ryokudo-koen) juga pernah jadi lokasi drama TV. Kalau lagi musim Sakura❀ memang romantis, apalagi kalau malam hari, saat Sakura❀ di light-up, jadi sering dijadikan tempat untuk nge-date.

So, aku kaget juga karena taman sepi.
Waktu aku dekatin pagar darurat, aku baca pengumuman "dilarang masuk" karena taman sedang dalam keadaan "berbahaya" akibat gempa.

Karena aku lagi buru-buru mau golf lesson, aku pikir mending balik lagi hari berikutnya sambil bawa kamera.

Nah, hari ini aku mutusin pergi "menyelidiki" keadaan taman.
Setelah tengok kiri-kanan nggak ada yg liatin, aku pun cepat-cepat nyelinap masuk ke taman. Agak dag dig dug juga.

Yang aku temukan adalah jalan retak ...
wah, kaget juga, padahal lumayan jauh dari pusat gempa, tapi dampaknya bisa ditemukan di dekat rumah :(

Kebetulan aku punya koleksi foto-foto waktu hanami jadi bisa dibandingin tuh keadaan-nya.